
Governmental Affairs? Association Management? Event Planning? Capitol Strategies is the Answer for You!

can provide the following services to your company:

Governmental Affairs
  • Ø Provide governmental liaison with the Georgia General Assembly as well as federal contact with Georgia's Congressional Delegation.
  • Ø Provide written reports summarizing legislative activity during the Georgia General Assembly that is relevant to your Association
  • Ø Lobby on your Association's behalf to legislators and other elected officers on specific issues.

Association Management and Event Planning
  • Ø Design professional brochures designed to effectively attract people to your event, thereby increasing attendance and participation.
  • Ø Oversee event coordination by monitoring attendance list, sending reminder notices as needed to increase attendance, preparing name badges and other printed materials, etc.
  • Ø Attend events when warranted to assist with the registration process and to provide assistance as needed.
  • Ø Certified Association Executive (ASAE)
  • Ø Develop detailed financial summary of event outlining revenues and expenses.